The CED/NOF IADR 2024 congress is dedicated to upholding and advocating for the principles of sustainability within society. It has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of the congress. This event aspires to foster sustainable solutions, serve as an inspiration, and elevate both education and awareness, with the goal of ensuring that the positive outcomes far surpass any negative effects.

Engaging local suppliers to minimize the transportation of goods and attendees over long distances.

Embracing a paperless office approach, reducing the need for printing.

Offering contactless check-in for delegates and attendees.

Decreasing energy consumption through the adoption of LED lighting and screens.

Streamlining amenities to reduce both the quantity and variety.

Collaborating with catering partners committed to composting food and waste programs.

Choosing seasonal and locally-sourced food options for catering.

Encouraging delegates to use walking and public transportation for commuting to and from meeting sessions.