Abstract FAQ

When is the abstract deadline?
April 12, 2024, 23:59 CET
Do I need to be a member of IADR to submit an abstract?
No. However, you do need to be a member in order to be eligible for some awards/competitions. You will also receive a reduced registration rate as a member of IADR. Your membership must be paid for 2024 to be eligible for the reduced member pricing. Members of IADR and any other Division are eligible for the member rate.
How do I access the abstract submission site?
All abstract submitters, member and non-member, must access the site through the Member Portal of the IADR website at https://www.iadr.org/My-IADR. Click the Event link from the left menu to select the meeting appropriate site to open. Click the Event link from the left menu to select the meeting appropriate site to open.
How do I know if my abstract was successfully received?
In Step 6: Review & Submit, you will be asked to review all information you have entered for your abstract. Incomplete steps will be highlighted and you will not be able to proceed to complete payment until the required steps are complete. You will be able to view a proof of your abstract in this step. Once all steps are complete and the proof has been viewed, click the Complete Payment button to be redirected to the payment screen. Once payment is processed you will receive a confirmation of submission email from the system. This confirmation will be available in your ScholarOne Abstracts Message Centre and your receipt will be available for view and print on the View Submissions page associated with the submitted abstract.
If I need to make edits to my submitted abstract before the deadline, can I do so?
Yes, If the submitter follows instructions provided on the View Submissions page to edit a submitted abstract.
Is there a word limit imposed on the abstract title or abstract body?
Yes, all abstract titles are required be 10 words or less. The abstract body must be no more than 300 words
Can I change my Scientific Group/Network to a different group after I complete my submission?
Yes, you can return to your submission at any time prior to the abstract-submission deadline to transfer your abstract to a different group by returning the completed submission to Draft and editing the Scientific Group/Network selection. Make sure to save your changes and resubmit your abstract. Draft abstracts will not be reviewed.
Can I make changes to my abstract text after the deadline?
No. IADR does not permit modifications to abstract text after the deadline under any circumstances. It is very important that you submit an error-free abstract text.
If I forget to add an author, can I do so after the abstract deadline?
Yes, you can still add an author, change the presenting author or change the order of the authors and co-authors, if necessary, by emailing ced.iadr@uzleuven.be, but no later than June 30, 2024. However, please make every attempt to add all authors during the abstract-submission process. Request a confirmation that the author was added. The submitter is responsible for the correct spelling of the name(s) of the co-author(s). No changes can be made after June 30, 2024.
Can I submit more than one abstract (excluding session proposals/keynotes) as an abstract presenter?
No. IADR permits authors to submit one abstract only as a presenting author. You may be listed as a co-author on more than one abstract. If you submit more than one abstract as a presenter, you will be asked to delete one of the submissions. If your response is not received, one of the submissions will be automatically deleted and will not be reviewed.
When I submit my abstract, how do I indicate my presentation mode preference?
You will be asked to indicate your presentation mode preference at the time of submission (oral, poster or no preference). IADR makes every attempt to provide you with your first choice, but there is no guarantee as a number of factors are to be taken into account during the programming finalisation process. The Scientific Committee chair makes the final decision regarding the presentation mode.
Should I include the abstract title, authors and affiliations in the abstract text?
No. These items will be collected separately during the abstract-submission process. References are not collected.
Is there a limit on the number of co-authors that I can add to my abstract?
Can I submit previously published or presented work?
No. Abstracts cannot be submitted if the research represented by the abstract has been published (online or in print) and/or presented at any other national or international meeting at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts based on manuscripts posted or submitted to a non-commercial preprint server are not considered previously published
If I make a mistake during the abstract-submission process, do I need to start a new submission?
No. You can make changes to your abstract submission at any time prior to the deadline by logging into your ScholarOne Account and return the abstract to Draft and selecting Edit Draft. Make sure to save your changes and resubmit your abstract. Draft abstracts will not be reviewed.
Will IADR list the affiliation/institution of all authors in the Programme Book?
No. IADR will only list the affiliation/institution of the presenting author in the Programme Book due to space limitations. However, the affiliation/institution of all authors will be included in the Abstract Book.
Will IADR edit my abstract?
No. Once you submit your abstract, it will not be edited in any way for content. Typographical or grammatical errors that appear in your abstract text will also appear in the final online Scientific Programme. Abstracts may be formatted only to follow IADR publication guidelines or requirements.
How many CME credits will I receive by visiting the CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research congress?
Please note that every country has its own system for CME credits. That is why you will receive a ‘certificate of attendance’.
Will my abstract be citable at the Journal of Dental Research?
Accepted and presented abstracts become part of a special online-only issue of the Journal of Dental Research, the journal for dental, oral and craniofacial research. Accepted and presented congress abstracts are citable. The Journal of Dental Research follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors recommendations regarding the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly works and these recommendations are applied to congress abstracts to the extent practical and possible.
How long do I need to be present at my poster?
Actual poster presentation time is in the morning, from 8:30 till 10:00.
How should I submit a ‘Clinical Case Report’?
Clinical Case Reports should be submitted as a Poster presentation. Select ‘Clinical Case Reports (all disciplines)’ at the ‘Scientific Group/Network’.